Smart Cities

A smart city is a municipality that uses information and communication technologies (ICT) to increase operational efficiency, share information with the public and improve both the quality of government services and citizen welfare. While the exact definition varies depending on whom you talk to, the overarching mission of a smart city is to optimize city functions and drive economic growth while improving quality of life for its citizens using smart technology and data analysis. Value is given to the smart city based on what they choose to do with the technology, not just how much technology they may have

Nine major characteristics are used to determine a city’s smartness. These characteristics include:

– A Technology-based Infrastructure
– Environmental Initiatives
– A High Functioning Public Transportation System
– A Confident Sense of Urban Planning and Humans to Live and Work Within the City and Utilize Its Resources

Smart cities use a combination of the internet of things (IoT) devices, software solutions, user interfaces (UI) and communication networks. However, they rely first and foremost on the IoT. The IoT is a network of connected devices — such as vehicles, sensors or home appliances — that can communicate and exchange data. Data collected and delivered by the IoT sensors and devices is stored in the cloud or on servers. The connection of these devices and use of data analytics (DA) facilitates the convergence of the physical and digital city elements, thus improving both public and private sector efficiency, enabling economic benefits and improving citizen’s lives.

A firewall security system is also necessary for the protection, monitoring and control of network traffic within a computing system. Firewalls ensure that the data constantly being transmitted within a smart city network is secure by preventing any unauthorized access to the IoT network or city data.

– Application Programming
– Interfaces (APIs)
– Artificial Intelligence (AI)
– Cloud Computing
– Mesh network
– Dashboards
– Machine Learning (ml)
– Machine To Machine (M2M)
– Mesh network

In Dubai, United Arab Emirates, smart city technology is used for traffic routing, parking, infrastructure planning and transportation. The city also uses telemedicine and smart healthcare, as well as smart buildings, smart utilities, smart education and smart utilities, smart education and smart tourism.