Smart Water Solution

With Water, water usage and supply can be managed at individual level. An app provides you water status in overhead and underground tanks and allows the consumers to manually or automatically pump water in and out of the tanks as they require. This fully automated solution is cheap and effective way to solve macro-level problem at the individual micro-level. The unit also helps consumers and utility providers to know the exact usage per household, factory and SME and will also notifies and generates alerts in case there is excessive use.


– Real-time water level information from underground and overhead tanks.
– Motor control from the app
– Automatic level based motor on/off facility
– Consumption information on daily, weekly and monthly basis available
– Motor on/off timings and duration record for easy analysis
– Saves water wastage due to overflows.
– Information and alerts on leakages


– Water level
– Underground tank
– Underground tank’s motor
– Overhead tank
– Overhead tank’s motor